Level 1 (Ultimate)

Ultimate Level One Coaching Course is now open for sign-up! The purpose of this coaching course is to provide skills and knowledge to prospective coaches of Ultimate in order to effectively introduce new players to the basics of the game in a safe and fun manner. This course contains an outline of the information, techniques, and strategies that a Level 1 coach will be able to pass on, explain and justify, to teammates and other players.
Next Course: 17/9/2023 & 24/9/2023
Status: Past Event
*Course requirement - have successfully completed the Pre Level Coaching Course.
If you have previously completed the Pre Level Coaching Course and wishes to register for the Ultimate Level One Coaching Course, please contact us for more details.
*Course requirement - have successfully completed the Pre Level Coaching Course.
If you have previously completed the Pre Level Coaching Course and wishes to register for the Ultimate Level One Coaching Course, please contact us for more details.